Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Tortured Youth

Welcome Readers,

     This week in the news we learned about a man who entered his career with a Bachelors in History and Political Science, then later became a Police Detective quite infamous for beating confessions out of prisoners. This man then becomes a Counter-Terrorism Trainer for the Police Academy, where he hones his skills in Extended Interrogation Techniques. One day he gets the big call to work for the government at Abu Graib and instruct the Troops there in modern EIT's. Impressed with his work at Abu Graib the government sends him to personally oversee the interrogation of notorious Terrorist Mohamedou Ould Slahi at Guantanamo Bay. He performs with flying colors setting his name into the pages of history. This man is Richard Zuley.(photo,far left)
     A "Black Site" is a location at which an unacknowledged black project is conducted. Usually these are used abroad by the CIA to torture radical Islamists, but not anymore. One of these "Black Sites" has been located at the home base of Richard Zuley in the Hometown of President Obama, the Chicago Police Department. It is called Homan Square.
     Opened in 1999, Homan Square is reported to house evidence and recovered property in the front. It is also reported to be the home base of the Narcotics and Anti-Gang Unit. In the back, former prisoners tell harrowing tales of food deprivation, extreme temperatures, shackled beating of the face and groin and other EIT's for up to 3 days. All without access to a lawyer and while not officially being on any arrest records, so family members looking for them had no idea of their whereabouts. 
     When lawyers of the former prisoners asked why the secrecy of the site they were told there was "no denial of the existence of the building". A crack house is undeniably a building as well but we don't know its a crack house until we see the goings on inside. Currently the public is being denied access to the back of the building because of "sensitive" information regarding the identities of the undercover agents in the Narcotics and Anti-Gang Units. Neighborhood Protesters want the site shutdown.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dysfunctional Family

Welcome Readers,

     Allow me to introduce you to America. North America is an urban geo-community. Within this Community there is a definite family structure. Dad is the stern, financially focused Republican Party and Mom is the easy, help you make friends Democratic Party. Like some of the horrifying news articles we read each day, Mom and Dad are broke, they can't take care of us anymore. Some of those articles show parents breaking down and killing their children. Such is the case in America.
     Mom and Dad have 5 children. The Rich, who are the eldest and can take care of themselves now. The Middle Class, next in line managing the day to day business of America. The Under Class, who are struggling just to make a living. The Immigrants, who turn our trash into their treasure. And finally, the Refugees our foster siblings who Mom and Dad get money for each month. They're just looking for Mom and Dad's love and the comforts of home we take for granted.
     Keeping this model in mind, who is Mom and Dad most likely to kill? For the sake of saving the family(country) of course. Well, our oldest siblings The Rich are no burden on Dad's wallet. They're also the most beloved, notably spoken of in the news everyday.
     What about our next oldest siblings, The Middle-Class? We know Mom and Dad love them, they were the target demographic of the last 3 Presidential campaigns.
     So who does Mom and Dad NOT mention or show in the family photos?
Little Brother Under Class and...
Little Sister Refugee
     (Now I know you're thinking "what about Little Brother Immigrant"? Well, we already mentioned what Mom and Dad are doing to them in the last Blog.) Remember, since Mom and Dad get paid to take care of our foster sibling Refugee, they certainly wouldn't do away with them so hastily. Come to think of it, with the Under Class and Immigrants out of the picture, Mom and Dad will have just enough money to get the family out of debt. Christmas should be very interesting this year!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Welcome Readers,

     This week I have some sad news for you, it may be hard to take but that's what this blog is for. America is killing its undocumented immigrants via germ-warfare, with Measles. Here's how....
     When a surge of young Mexican children had flooded across our borders a few years ago the government decided to rid themselves of the problem by exposing the children to measles which would surely spread amongst them like wildfire while having little to no effect on the surrounding vaccinated American population. This is no far stretch of the imagination considering something similar just happened in Syria, where 15 children died from a mix up of the Measles vaccine and were given a powerful muscle relaxer instead by U.N. medical teams.
     People at that time began to blame the influx of immigrant children on a Southern California outbreak of Measles when really it was the other way around. The American citizens affected by the outbreak were coined as "hippies" because they had decided against vaccinating their children and were thus subject to its devastating effects. All this within a year of the CDC releasing a video declaring that they had made Measles officially disappear. (
     Now that our undocumented population has been welcomed into the system they will be receiving proper medical care for their families, that is, only if they have been vaccinated prior to jumping the border. Otherwise, they will most certainly die from exposure to Measles without medical attention. Most likely infecting their loved ones in the process much like the way roach powder kills a nest. Read this doctor's sign very carefully. 
To some this evidence still won't be convincing enough, so I did some research and crunched the numbers.
Do you see the pattern?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Great American P.R. Campaign

Welcome Readers,

     This week the news has a very important message to tell us, "America loves BLACK people". Stories we've been told thus far are like that of the young black teen who was arrested and jumped to the aid of the arresting officer who had collapsed. Let's recall the unforgettable image of the young black boy crying and hugging the police officer which streamed over various social media networks recently. As a matter of fact, it feels as if the media has recently gone through great pains to show the face of every black policeman nationwide. Washington has followed suit this week.
Meet Attorney General Candidate Loretta'll be seeing more of her.
Meet 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson.
And if that doesn't prove blacks are getting a fair shake in America, well they even iced the cake.
Let's free some innocent black men from prison whose cases we know would never stand up under scrutiny, in hopes people might forget that the real murderers were never found. Oops, our bad.
And in case there's anyone old enough to remember the Civil Rights Era and still may hold a grudge, they overturned some blatantly malicious prior convictions.
They did all this for you Black America, why. Quite stop this from happening

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hey I Know That Guy

Welcome Readers,

     This has certainly been an interesting week in the news. Mainstream Media has been inundating us with images and stories of horrible acts of genocide in Nigeria, as well as political dances both at home and abroad. I noticed the other day that there are SO many sports stories that are headlining now which would have been page 3 floaters at any other time. I guess what I'm getting at is we've been loaded with "Appetizer" news while the "EntrĂ©es" we're held for the diligent and curious. Here are a few of the "EntrĂ©es" I'm refering to:
Woman gets arrested, allows cops to go through her phone, they use her data for this
A fake Facebook account made in her name with pictures worse than this. The Department of Justice quietly settled out of court for the sum of $134,000 but admitted no wrongdoing.
Oh it gets better...
A Sergeant in the National Guard goes out for target practice, as she checks her target for accuracy she notices the person in the her Brother.
The targets are allegedly used to help Law Enforcement learn "not to shoot the wrong people". Kind of makes you wonder who the RIGHT people are.
Wait, does this look familiar?
Maybe not now but it soon will. Scientists at Yale have created a "safer" GMO that supposedly is unable to spread in the wild. According to leading Astrophysicist Neil DeGrasse Tyson GMO is now A OK. That is until the genes mutate...but I digress...
President Obama in his SOTU address said he wants America to go to Mars "not just to visit but to stay". Could this be the vision of New America 2020?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Is There Anybody Out There?

Welcome Readers,

     It appears as if the old distraction technique of "hey look over there" is still being employed by the mainstream media of both America  and Britain. While most news streams voiced pain and outrage over the terror attacks in France and horrid local family murders, others quietly reported of unusual space activity and technological advancements far beyond what your normal tech geek might drool over at CES.
     Here is what scientists have just recently figured out this week, or so we've been told.
   An Invisibility Cloak
A Visual and Linguistic Interpreter
DNA Facial Reconstruction 
F.B.I. Fake Cell Towers
And the list goes on....

     What are we to learn from this clever diversion? Well the Golden Rule of technology is " if we have it now, the military had it 5 years ago". Keeping this in mind then you can begin to wonder what militarized applications these seemingly harmless technological advancements once had.
     Don't fret Readers, I'm not here to use scare tactics but to merely inform you of the possibilities and probabilities. The rest is up to you. Look at it this way, the military is working really hard to build you a better cell phone. Oh and yes, they can hear you now....good.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

You Can't Please Everyone

Welcome Readers,

     Just one week into the year and most of us have already broken our resolutions that we thought would change our lives, or at least this year. Apparently the Global Communtiy is experiencing the same thing.
     The other day a few Islamic Extremists shot 12 people in Paris over media trash talking, or in this case trash drawing. #JESUISCHARLIE .
     A truck driver and his wife leave for an overnight ride while their teenage son is in charge of his two younger sisters, who then murdered him as he slept.
     Meanwhile, upwards of 46,000 illegal immigrants just exposed their identities in order to get drivers liscences. Obviously they didn't notice that Obama is a default President and all of his new political policies will be revoked by the new incoming Republican Party. Thus in the end giving their locations to the enemy, I'm not sure if the pro legalization of Marijuana people have considered this either. But wait, there's more!
     As all this is happening NASA is still spending more money trying to send us to a different planet than all your favorite rappers combined spend at the strip club. All without saying who will get to go or why, even though OUR tax dollars paid for it. Now that's Gangsta.