Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Is There Anybody Out There?

Welcome Readers,

     It appears as if the old distraction technique of "hey look over there" is still being employed by the mainstream media of both America  and Britain. While most news streams voiced pain and outrage over the terror attacks in France and horrid local family murders, others quietly reported of unusual space activity and technological advancements far beyond what your normal tech geek might drool over at CES.
     Here is what scientists have just recently figured out this week, or so we've been told.
   An Invisibility Cloak
A Visual and Linguistic Interpreter
DNA Facial Reconstruction 
F.B.I. Fake Cell Towers
And the list goes on....

     What are we to learn from this clever diversion? Well the Golden Rule of technology is " if we have it now, the military had it 5 years ago". Keeping this in mind then you can begin to wonder what militarized applications these seemingly harmless technological advancements once had.
     Don't fret Readers, I'm not here to use scare tactics but to merely inform you of the possibilities and probabilities. The rest is up to you. Look at it this way, the military is working really hard to build you a better cell phone. Oh and yes, they can hear you now....good.

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