Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Great American P.R. Campaign

Welcome Readers,

     This week the news has a very important message to tell us, "America loves BLACK people". Stories we've been told thus far are like that of the young black teen who was arrested and jumped to the aid of the arresting officer who had collapsed. Let's recall the unforgettable image of the young black boy crying and hugging the police officer which streamed over various social media networks recently. As a matter of fact, it feels as if the media has recently gone through great pains to show the face of every black policeman nationwide. Washington has followed suit this week.
Meet Attorney General Candidate Loretta'll be seeing more of her.
Meet 2016 Republican Presidential hopeful Dr. Ben Carson.
And if that doesn't prove blacks are getting a fair shake in America, well they even iced the cake.
Let's free some innocent black men from prison whose cases we know would never stand up under scrutiny, in hopes people might forget that the real murderers were never found. Oops, our bad.
And in case there's anyone old enough to remember the Civil Rights Era and still may hold a grudge, they overturned some blatantly malicious prior convictions.
They did all this for you Black America, why. Quite stop this from happening

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