Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Dysfunctional Family

Welcome Readers,

     Allow me to introduce you to America. North America is an urban geo-community. Within this Community there is a definite family structure. Dad is the stern, financially focused Republican Party and Mom is the easy, help you make friends Democratic Party. Like some of the horrifying news articles we read each day, Mom and Dad are broke, they can't take care of us anymore. Some of those articles show parents breaking down and killing their children. Such is the case in America.
     Mom and Dad have 5 children. The Rich, who are the eldest and can take care of themselves now. The Middle Class, next in line managing the day to day business of America. The Under Class, who are struggling just to make a living. The Immigrants, who turn our trash into their treasure. And finally, the Refugees our foster siblings who Mom and Dad get money for each month. They're just looking for Mom and Dad's love and the comforts of home we take for granted.
     Keeping this model in mind, who is Mom and Dad most likely to kill? For the sake of saving the family(country) of course. Well, our oldest siblings The Rich are no burden on Dad's wallet. They're also the most beloved, notably spoken of in the news everyday.
     What about our next oldest siblings, The Middle-Class? We know Mom and Dad love them, they were the target demographic of the last 3 Presidential campaigns.
     So who does Mom and Dad NOT mention or show in the family photos?
Little Brother Under Class and...
Little Sister Refugee
     (Now I know you're thinking "what about Little Brother Immigrant"? Well, we already mentioned what Mom and Dad are doing to them in the last Blog.) Remember, since Mom and Dad get paid to take care of our foster sibling Refugee, they certainly wouldn't do away with them so hastily. Come to think of it, with the Under Class and Immigrants out of the picture, Mom and Dad will have just enough money to get the family out of debt. Christmas should be very interesting this year!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


Welcome Readers,

     This week I have some sad news for you, it may be hard to take but that's what this blog is for. America is killing its undocumented immigrants via germ-warfare, with Measles. Here's how....
     When a surge of young Mexican children had flooded across our borders a few years ago the government decided to rid themselves of the problem by exposing the children to measles which would surely spread amongst them like wildfire while having little to no effect on the surrounding vaccinated American population. This is no far stretch of the imagination considering something similar just happened in Syria, where 15 children died from a mix up of the Measles vaccine and were given a powerful muscle relaxer instead by U.N. medical teams.
     People at that time began to blame the influx of immigrant children on a Southern California outbreak of Measles when really it was the other way around. The American citizens affected by the outbreak were coined as "hippies" because they had decided against vaccinating their children and were thus subject to its devastating effects. All this within a year of the CDC releasing a video declaring that they had made Measles officially disappear. (http://youtu.be/Mra7PNRJ_rI)
     Now that our undocumented population has been welcomed into the system they will be receiving proper medical care for their families, that is, only if they have been vaccinated prior to jumping the border. Otherwise, they will most certainly die from exposure to Measles without medical attention. Most likely infecting their loved ones in the process much like the way roach powder kills a nest. Read this doctor's sign very carefully. 
To some this evidence still won't be convincing enough, so I did some research and crunched the numbers.
Do you see the pattern?